Set in Ink

5 years ago

One of my side gigs is promoting concerts. I’ve been doing in on and off since I was a kid.…

Give Me That Universal Discount

5 years ago

I am addicted to buying things online. I don’t have to endure bussing all over town just to look at…

A Band-Aid for Financial Oozing

5 years ago

I seem to bleed money from day to day expenses. It seems hard to get ahead with the passive income…

In Search of The Least Evil Bank

5 years ago

I haven’t always been a big fan of banking. It’s one of those things that the more you dig into…

A Bunch of Hot Air?

5 years ago

I started college in 1995. When I stepped into the computer lab for the first time I discovered a nubile…

I Hate to Work or Theory of the Greater Pi

5 years ago

I am beginning to realize that I hate having to work. I don’t so much hate the work itself as…